Findings of PTC’s Surveys on Customers’ Satisfaction with Public Transport [Updated as of 28 Dec 2023]
[Please also refer to the Corrigendum dated 28 December 2023]
News Release
Commuters remained satisfied with public transport in 2022
Commuters’ satisfaction with public transport in 2022 is high, based on the findings from two public transport-related surveys. The Public Transport Customer Satisfaction Survey (PTCSS) which was carried out from 17 September to 31 October 2022, with a total of 5,029 commuters, aged 15 years and above, revealed that the mean satisfaction score for public transport services was 7.8 (out of 10) in 2022, a score maintained since 2019. Meanwhile, the Public Transport Survey for Persons with Disabilities which was carried out from 26 September to 28 October 2022, with 537 respondents, found that the mean satisfaction score among persons with disabilities and their caregivers improved from last year’s score of 7.2 (out of 10) to 7.6 (out of 10) in 2022.
Public Transport Customer Satisfaction Survey
2 According to the PTCSS survey findings, 92.7% of commuters surveyed were satisfied with public transport. The mean satisfaction scores for most of the public transport service attributes remained relatively consistent, with three service attributes maintaining the same satisfaction scores and the other five improving slightly when compared to 2021[1].
3 Commuters’ mean satisfaction with MRT services remained high at 8.0 (out of 10), compared to 7.9 in 2021 and 2020, while commuters’ mean satisfaction with bus services scored 7.7 (out of 10) in 2022, achieving the same level as 2021.
4 Reliability, Travel Time and Safety and Security were ranked as the top three most important service attributes for MRT services. The mean satisfaction scores for these three service attributes improved slightly: Reliability from 8.0 in 2021 to 8.2 in 2022; Travel Time from 7.9 in 2021 to 8.0 in 2022; and Safety and Security from 8.1 in 2021 to 8.3 in 2022.
5 For bus services, Reliability, Travel Time, and Waiting Time remained the most important top three bus service attributes in 2022. Reliability and Travel Time received a satisfaction score of 7.5 and Waiting Time 7.1.
Public Transport Survey for Persons with Disabilities
6 Of the 537 respondents who gave their satisfaction ratings, 309 are persons with disabilities while 228 are caregivers of persons with disabilities. They participated in the self-administered survey online.
7 The survey findings showed that the mean satisfaction scores for all public transport service attributes had increased when compared to the previous year[2]. The service attributes, Waiting Time, Service Information and Accessibility registered the biggest improvement among all public transport service attributes.
8 For buses, respondents were most satisfied with Safety and Security, with a mean satisfaction score of 7.8 (out of 10). Safety and Security was also ranked as the most important bus service attribute by the respondents. Similar to the public transport service attributes, the mean satisfaction scores of all bus service attributes increased in comparison to 2021. Waiting Time registered the biggest improvement at 7.4 (out of 10) compared to 6.5 (out of 10) in previous year.
9 For trains, respondents were most satisfied with Service Information. Reliability was ranked as the most important attribute overall for trains by commuters. The satisfaction mean score for train service attributes, Service Information and Reliability were 7.7 (out of 10) and 7.6 (out of 10) respectively.
10 Overall commuters remained satisfied with public transport in 2022, especially persons with disabilities and their caregivers. We will continue to foster a gracious and caring commuter culture through efforts under Caring SG Commuters Committee to ensure our public transport system remains inclusive to all.
[1] Please refer to Annex A Fact Sheet for more details.
[2] Please refer to Annex B Fact Sheet for more details.

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